24 June 2008


I just finished all my assessments for this term, which is a very good thing. On the other hand, I have a handful of humongous exams in about 6 weeks, which is a very bad thing. Now, to make the bad outweigh the good, here are two very good things:


Post-rock with a bit of jazz for good measure? Yes sir. This is one of my favourite albums to be released this year; check it out, it's great.

Highly recommended album.

And now, good thing #2:


Hip-hop... with violins? Hellz YEAH. Don't get it mistaken, this album isn't classical; nor is it purely hip-hop. These two guys bring the raw, explosive passion of hip-hop and translate it to the violin, creating one of the most bizarre yet intriguing and emotive vibes I've heard. Get at this.

Comments are always appreciated.

21 June 2008

No Surprises

Actually, there are surprises. Chiefly, The Incredible Hulk actually being a good movie was surprising. Then again, it has Edward Norton, a man who can seemingly do no wrong. Tim Roth was great as Emil Blonsky/The Abomination. Plus, Tony Stark cameo at the end! Fuck all you haters, I <3 Stark's arrogance.

So yeah, I think you should go watch that in cinemas. Or if you're an internet pirate, torrent that shit on IsoHunt or something.

Liv Tyler looks sorta weird, dude. Kinda like Steven. They both have really fish-like faces. She's still cute, though.

Epic45's May Your Heart Be The Map rocks my socks. Thank you to moe for that, it's a lovely record. I love it when albums have those touchy-feely, grainy vocals. (No link, folks, I can't be arsed uploading it.)

Does anyone else think Jack Black is fuckin' hilarious? All his facial expressions and weird sounds and shit just make me crack up; all my buddies think he's lame, though. They don't know shit.

We won in football today 2-1, but I still haven't scored a fucking goal. I think I'm gonna move to left back from striker, I'm a disgusting finisher. I'm happy we won, in any case. Speaking of football... TURKEY! Fuck they are insane. They better get their act together for the Germany game, though, else they'll get blown outta the water.

Alright, my torrent just finished so I'ma go watch that. Take care folks. And watch The Incredible Hulk.

P.S. To all NBA fans... BOSTON MOTHERFUCKER! Celtic pride! Looking for a repeat next year. That is all.

19 June 2008

The Good Times Are Killing Me

How awesome is the title to this blog, and this blog post? Once again, 'tis Isaac Brock to the rescue!

So, I've been real busy with school and shit like that lately; this seems likely to continue, in the light of a flurry of impending exams which have done nothing but worsen my temperament. But alas, I persevere.

First thing: if you guys like music, check this shit out, I will post some stuff from time to time. First up is Charles Mingus' album The Clown:


It's pretty cool, if you're into jazz. I recommend it.

Moving on... I kinda like this girl at the moment, which sucks. You guys're thinkin', "Shawn, this is a good thing! It could pull you out of the black hole that is otherwise known as social inadequacy."

But no, this is not, in fact, the case. She has a boyfriend. Fuck. (If you want more details, pursue me on MSN.)

The good times are killing me. Here we go!

Got dirt, got air, got water and I know you can carry on.
Shrug off shortsighted false excitement and oh what can I say?
Have one, have twenty more "one mores" and oh it does not relent.

The good times are killing me.

Kick butt buzz-cut dickheads who didn't like what I said.
The good times are killing me. Jaws clenched tight we talked all night, oh but what the hell did we say?
The good times are killing me. The good times are killing me. The good times are killing me.

Fed up with all that LSD.
Need more sleep than coke or methamphetamines.
Late nights with warm, warm whiskey.
I guess the good times they were all just killing me.

Got dirt, got air, got water and I know you can carry on.
The good times are killing me.
Enough hair of the dog to make myself an entire rug.
The good times are killing me.
Have one, have twenty more "one mores" and oh it does not relent.
The good times are killing me.
Shit-kicker city slickers who all wanted me dead.
The good times are killing me.
Get sucked in and stuck in late nights with more folks that I don't know. The good times are killing me.
The good times are killing me.
The good times are killing me.
The good times are killing me.
The good times are killing me.
The good times are killing me.
The good times are killing me.
The good times are killing me.
The good times are killing me.