24 June 2008


I just finished all my assessments for this term, which is a very good thing. On the other hand, I have a handful of humongous exams in about 6 weeks, which is a very bad thing. Now, to make the bad outweigh the good, here are two very good things:


Post-rock with a bit of jazz for good measure? Yes sir. This is one of my favourite albums to be released this year; check it out, it's great.

Highly recommended album.

And now, good thing #2:


Hip-hop... with violins? Hellz YEAH. Don't get it mistaken, this album isn't classical; nor is it purely hip-hop. These two guys bring the raw, explosive passion of hip-hop and translate it to the violin, creating one of the most bizarre yet intriguing and emotive vibes I've heard. Get at this.

Comments are always appreciated.

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